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Vitamin Injections


Vitamin B12 injections have numerous health benefits. They help improve how the body functions, boost energy levels and increases cell production. It is critical to avoid becoming vitamin deficient. These deficiencies can lead to fatigue/ weakness, weight gain, foggy thinking, poor digestion, etc. Accurate vitamin B levels are crucial to your overall health and wellness.

Please note: Vitamin B12 injections may only be booked as an add on to another treatment appointment. 

Vitamin B12 Injection Benefits:

  • Strengthens immune system
  • Improves migraines
  • Promotes healthy skin, joints, eyes, and muscle tissue
  • Improves gut health & digestion, mental function, and mood
  • Regulates the nervous system
  • Supports proper brain function
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Promotes cardiovascular health
  • Aids in the production of red blood cells
  • Increases energy

Best Candidates for Treatment:

  • Vegan patients or those who limit red meat in their diets.
  • Patients looking to boost their energy or immune system.
  • Patients who travel frequently. 

Complementing Treatments:

  • Vitamin B12 injections are a great add-on to any Vega Vitality’s treatments.