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diVa™ Laser by Sciton


The diVa™ Laser by Sciton vaginal treatment is a quick, convenient, in-office, minimal downtime solution for women’s gynecological and genitourinary/urology health. Major life events such as childbirth and menopause can cause changes in vaginal health, including excessive stretching or damage to the vaginal tissue, pelvic floor disorders, urinary incontinence,  dryness/ thinning / inflammation of the vaginal walls, and painful sex. The diVa™ Laser by Sciton vaginal treatment helps women regain control over their bodies again. Post-treatment, patients report feeling confident about returning to the same athletic and intimate activity level as they had pre-menopause, childbirth, etc.

Outcomes are based on the aggressiveness of the treatment, the health of the patient’s vaginal mucosa, and the patient’s individual healing ability. Due to this, patient results may vary. Erythema (redness) and possibly edema (swelling) are the desired responses within a few minutes after completing the procedure. The degree of the responses and length of healing time will increase with the depth and coverage of the procedure.

For more information on pre-and post-treatment information, please see below. 

diVa™ Laser by Sciton Benefits:

  • New healthy vaginal tissue
  • Increased lubrication
  • Improved pH balance
  • Decreased frequency of infections
  • Increased sensation
  • Increased sexual function
  • Decreased laxity of tissue
  • Thickening of vagina wall (tightening to support control of bladder and urethra)
  • Increased confidence


Best Candidates for Treatment:

  • Postpartum patients (6months post-birth)
  • Patients who have had an episiotomy. 
  • Patients with bladder incontinence. 
  • Patients with menopausal symptoms. 

Complementing Treatments:

  • An annual maintenance treatment